dollarsandsense wrote:
> I made an omelette sandwich which consisted of toast,
> butter, mustard, bacon and scrambled egg and kept it at
> room temperature for about 20 minutes but I had another
> sandwich which I planned on eating later in the day and
> somebody said it was too dangerous to eat.
> I though that without salad dressing you could eat an
> omelette egg at room temperature without any fear of
> deterioration because it was cooked.
> I searched the net but could find nothing. Anybody have
> any idea or know of a web site that talks about the
> safety or dangers of eating a fried/scrambled egg at room
> temperature after several hours? Thanks.
Keeping moist food at room temp for more than an hour is problematic. Eggs
(even cooked) are a pretty good growth media. You might get away with it
most of the time but why take the chance.
On the other hand, how many of us survived having egg salad sandwiches in
our school lunchbox.
Damn, it's lucky we're alive.
Besides the "egg"cellent website that Sheldon posted, there's some good food
safety info at
Pete Romfh, Telecom Geek & Amateur Gourmet.
promfh at hal dash pc dot org