(Why do I ever follow dead links?)
Steve Wertz > wrote:
>Kimchi is made with plenty other veggies, and some meats or meat
>sauces (fish or oyster sauces). Modern Kporea doesn't burry it in the
>ground anymore. They have special fridges especially for kimchi
The industrial packers and most urban home-brewers may
use those, but as late as 1983 the smaller villages in the
countryside were indeed burying the stuff in the ground,
and I have no reason to believe they (nor many of the
urban families) have progressed to the point that every
ajima doing a special batch outside the village's communal
effort* would invest in something she can get for free by
using last year's hole.
"We can't all be as cosmopolitan as you."
* - probably the most homey part of living in that
village was all the ladies getting together to spend a
week packing veggies in brine next to the yards and yards
of cloth spread over the ground and covered opaquely with
drying red peppers.