season wooden chopping boards
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The Wolf
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season wooden chopping boards
On 01/05/2004 4:17 PM, in article
, "Bob
Pastorio" > opined:
> The Wolf wrote:
>> On 01/05/2004 5:32 AM, in article
, "Katra"
>> > opined:
>>> In article >,
>>> Bob Pastorio > wrote:
>>>> The Wolf wrote:
>>>>> You wrote:
>>>>>> I have a mahogany board (soft, yes, but beautiful, and my
>>>>>> knives love not fighting hardwood) that I "made" by having
>>>>>> a droid at Home Depot
>>>>> You bought mahogany at Home Depot? You just proved you are more stupid
>>>>> than
>>>>> even I thought!
>>>> I don't understand. What's the difference where you buy a small piece
>>>> of mahogany? Or any other kind of wood. Obviously, I don't buy a lot
>>>> of wood.
>>>> Pastorio
>>> I'm betting he shops at places like Furrows. <G>
>>> This is similar to his challenge to me about 600 grit sandpaper.
>>> I can get it at different places, (Furrows, Dyers lapidary supply etc.)
>>> but it's less expensive to get it at Hobby Lobby. :-)
>>> Regular Lumber stores are carrying more specialty woods now and they are
>>> not inexpensive, but more reasoanble then getting them at specialty
>>> shops. I'm wondering if he knows that?
>>> He also might be questioning the grade of wood. Supposedly, someplace
>>> like Lowe's or Home Depot might not carry furniture grade. <shrugs> Does
>>> one really need furniture grade for a cutting board? ;-)
>>> K.
>> Home Depot is fine for sheet goods since most are manufactured in Taiwan and
>> the price is cheap.
>> The quality of what they sell for hardwoods is EXTREMELY poor but what they
>> make their money on is uneducated consumers.
>> Kinda like the difference between a good butcher or fish monger and the
>> neighborhood supermarket.
> Not looking for a hassle here, but I still don't get it. If HD has a
> piece of wood that's not cracked and doesn't have knots, bullet holes
> or teethmarks in it, what's the difference?
> I bought some very pretty basswood at a Lowe's to make keepsake chests
> for my grandsons for X-mas. Just like I made all those years ago for
> their mother. They were very simple and the wood was easy to work, in
> keeping with my carpentry skills. Rectangular boxes with nice finishes
> on them. Rope handles. The wood sufficed for my purposes.
> Sometimes the neighborhood supermarket is good enough for the task at
> hand, no? I want a choice-grade chuck for a pot roast; Kroger will do.
> I want a rib section to entertain my mother, several ex-presidents and
> the Queen of the May; the uptown butcher.
> Make sense?
> Pastorio
It's hard to explain. Suffice it to say there are better places to buy
mahogany and black walnut then Home Depot. Ask your woodworking neighbor.
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"Fast Eddie, let's play some pool," Minnesota Fats.
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