In article >,
(Phred) wrote:
> [ Sorry for breaking the thread, but my heirloom newsreader (News
> Xpress 2.01) choked on the excessively long References header.]
> In article >,
> Katra > wrote:
> [snip]
> >I've not cooked with curry for awhile and I have plenty in the spice
> >cabinet, plus a live "curry" plant out in the herb garden.
> >
> >Now I realize that curry is actually a mixture of spices including
> >turmeric and chiles, this "curry" plant I think is related to
> >rosemary, or at least the growth pattern is the same.
> I presume this is _Helichrysum italicum_? See:
> <>
That is probably it, but mine is much fluffier and has never bloomed. :-)
A very intense flavor, very wonderful! Mild and very "curry-ish". I love
> The other "curry plant" is probably more correctly(?) known as "curry
> leaf" (_Murraya koenigii_) for which it's claimed "Most Indian cuisine
> cannot do without the subtle flavouring of this highly aromatic leafy
> spice." <>
> >The bruised leaves smell just like curry and add a nice light flavor
> >to the meat that I put it on. It's not growing very well so I can't
> >harvest a lot at a time, but it's nice!
> I suspect the _Murraya_ also wouldn't grow very well where you are.
> (See <> for photos of a well
> grown specimen. ;-)
Hummm... I might have to look into that!
Here is a picture of my curry plant that I got from the nursery:
It's still kinda small, but at least it survived the winter. :-)
I'm thinking about trying some foliar fertilization in the herb garden.
> Cheers, Phred.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra