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In article >,
"Peter Aitken" > wrote:

> "Phred" > wrote in message
> ...
> >[ Sorry for breaking the thread, but my heirloom newsreader (News
> > Xpress 2.01) choked on the excessively long References header.]
> >
> > In article >,
> > Katra > wrote:
> > [snip]
> >>I've not cooked with curry for awhile and I have plenty in the spice
> >>cabinet, plus a live "curry" plant out in the herb garden.
> >>
> >>Now I realize that curry is actually a mixture of spices including
> >>turmeric and chiles, this "curry" plant I think is related to
> >>rosemary, or at least the growth pattern is the same.

> >
> > I presume this is _Helichrysum italicum_? See:
> > <>
> >
> > The other "curry plant" is probably more correctly(?) known as "curry
> > leaf" (_Murraya koenigii_) for which it's claimed "Most Indian cuisine
> > cannot do without the subtle flavouring of this highly aromatic leafy
> > spice." <>
> >
> >>The bruised leaves smell just like curry and add a nice light flavor
> >>to the meat that I put it on. It's not growing very well so I can't
> >>harvest a lot at a time, but it's nice!

> >
> > I suspect the _Murraya_ also wouldn't grow very well where you are.
> > (See <> for photos of a well
> > grown specimen. ;-)
> >

> The curry plant - the Murraya one - is used a lot in southern Indian dishes,
> less so in the north. It must be easy to grow because I, the original black
> thumb guy, have a healthy specimen several years old. It's in a large pot
> (it's about 3 feet tall now) and it's outside during the frost-free part of
> the year (North Carolina, so about 7 months) and indoors near a bright
> window the rest of the time. It gets a shot of miracle-grow once a month or
> so. My parents have been successful growing them in New Jersey. Lovers of
> Indian food should make an effort to grow one, it makes a big difference in
> some dishes.

I'll have to take a look at that, thanks! :-)
It's nice to have the curry flavor without the heat.

Here is the plant I currently use, and it really does smell and taste
like curry:

I lost my first one before the year was out, but this little dude
survived the winter and has quadrupled in size. I may apply a shade
screen over the summer this time to give it a hand.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra