How hot is too hot when using a Wok
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>TheAlligator wrote:
>> >Interesting comment. I have a few asian cooking books that suggest
>> >marinating this way. What is the point of using cornstarch as a
>> >marinade anyways? I've heard of a process called "looing" which is
>> >way to marinate but not sure what it entails yet. I did order Gary
>> >Lee's Wok book which is supposed to be really good so maybe I'll
>> >some tips from that.
>> >
>> Looing is long slow cooking in a very flavorful sauce and results in
>> very tender, rich meat. I have never tried to do it, but it is quite
>> easy.
OK, here is a recipe for a basic looing sauce.
4 cups water, 1 cup light (not "lite") soy sauce, 1 cup dark soy
sauce, 1 star anise, 1/2 cup chinese rice wine or dry sherry, 5
tablespoons sugar, 4 slices ginger. Mix it all in a non-reactive pot,
add any meat (except fish of any kind). If you add fish, you'll have
to throw the sauce out and start over, but with anything else, you can
strain, refrigerate and re-use the sauce many times, adding equal
proportions of all ingredients as replacements when neccessary for
I don't have all the particulars down, but the sauce and the following
recipe for looed chicken are from the book "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks
Three Ancient Cuisines". Yeah, I know, apparently most of you hate
his guts, but I like him because he got me interested in cooking, not
just surviving.
Place the looing sauce in a 6-quart covered casserole large enough to
hold a whole chicken. (OK, I would use a pile of my favorite select
parts rather than a whole one). Bring the sauce to a boil and add the
chicken. Cook for 30 minutes and turn off the heat, leaving the pot
on the burner for another hour. Hack up the bird, garnish with green
onions and sesame oil and serve.
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