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From the USDA:

"Don't keep eggs - including Easter eggs - out of the refrigerator more than
2 hours.
Serve cooked eggs and dishes containing eggs immediately after cooking, or
place in
shallow containers for quick cooling and refrigerate at once for later use.
Use within 3 to 4 days. "

"dollarsandsense" > wrote in message
>I made an omelette sandwich which consisted of toast, butter, mustard,
> bacon and scrambled egg and kept it at room temperature for about 20
> minutes but I had another sandwich which I planned on eating later in
> the day and somebody said it was too dangerous to eat.
> I though that without salad dressing you could eat an omelette egg at
> room temperature without any fear of deterioration because it was
> cooked.
> I searched the net but could find nothing. Anybody have any idea or
> know of a web site that talks about the safety or dangers of eating
> a fried/scrambled egg at room temperature after several hours? Thanks.