Old favorites - ridiculous prices
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Marcella Peek
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In article >,
(TheAlligator) wrote:
> >What's the difference between Ralstons and the various other "cream of wheat"
> >type products? ?
> I guess it's really only a matter of personal taste. It doesn't
> resemble cream of wheat at all. The Ralston cereal is nothing but
> 100% milled whole wheat, with the bran. It's very coarse, hearty and
> satisfying, if you're used to it. My wife and kids wouldn't touch the
> stuff for a million dollars. But it's what I grew up with, and
> continued to eat until a few years ago. And, like another poster
> stated recently - if you let it get cold, you can mold it into bricks
> and use it for a substantial construction project.
So is it like Wheatena? My dad used to make that on cold mornings and
it is an acquired taste.
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