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Sheryl Rosen
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Default A mystery--who can solve it?

One of the guys I work with went to McDonald's over the weekend with his
pregnant wife because she was craving a Big Mac.

He is a very picky eater and he sort of took his apart, removing what he
doesn't like and reassembling the burger. And she asked him a question.

He asked me...I didn't know the answer, either. Maybe one of you does.

Know how, with a Big Mac, there are two hamburger patties separated by that
middle section of the roll?

Have you ever actually LOOKED at that middle piece of roll?

HOW do they make it so it's really a middle? I mean, the top of the roll has
that shiny top, the bottom has an obvious bottom. It's obvious the roll is
baked and then split. But the middle slice? Is it REALLY a middle? As in,
they made 2 cuts on that roll? That would have to be one really thick roll!
And that would mean that there would have to be 2 kinds of rolls...the ones
with the middle, the ones with just a top and bottom. That seems kind of

Is that middle slice made in a loaf and sliced, like a loaf of white bread?
Or is it truly the middle of a very thick roll?

this isn't something I'll lose sleep over, but it certainly is a curiosity!