"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> Hoges in WA wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a KA stand mixer., a KSM90
>> It has a silver collar immediately beneath the KA name which covers
> up the screws that hold on the head of the beater.
>> It doesn't do anything, it's just there for looks I think and maybe
> to keep stuff out of the orbiting head.
>> Anywhichways, it's decided to come off and I can't get the thing to
> stay back on there. It doesn't have any lock type thingo, and it doesn't
> have any way of holding itself on. It simply slips down every time I put
> it back on.
>> Has anyone had a similar problem? I guess I could glue it on somehow
> but that doesn't seem to be a wise first choice.
>> I emailed KA over a week ago about it but they haven't responded (or
> even acknowledged it!)
> Go here, click on Customer Service, dial 800#, speak to a rep:
> http://www.kitchenaid.com/home.jsp
Thanks Sheldon but I'm in Western Australia and don't get the 800 option way
down here.