In article >, Katra > wrote:
>In article >,
> (Phred) wrote:
>> [ Sorry for breaking the thread, but my heirloom newsreader (News
>> Xpress 2.01) choked on the excessively long References header.]
>> I suspect the _Murraya_ also wouldn't grow very well where you are.
I see others have suggested I may have been too pessimistic there. :-)
>> (See <> for photos of a well
>> grown specimen. ;-)
>Hummm... I might have to look into that!
>Here is a picture of my curry plant that I got from the nursery:
I'm gunna have to look seriously into this business of having a web
site where one can post pictures instead of writing a thousand words!
>It's still kinda small, but at least it survived the winter. :-)
>I'm thinking about trying some foliar fertilization in the herb garden.
I've never really been into potted plants as I was too often away for
somewhat extended periods and things in pots need watering.
That said, even when I'm home I have trouble remembering to water pots
as a pot of basil will fortunately attest. Someone gave me the thing
months ago, and I noticed it was looking a bit stressed four days ago,
but I was in the middle of other things at the time and then forgot
about it. When I noticed again yesterday, I was *sure* it had reached
the dreaded permanent wilting point, but gave it a drink anyway
(thinking it was probably more like a burial at sea). Today it is
looking great! Damn tough herbs these basil things is all I can say.
Good luck with the _Murraya_ if you attempt it. It does rather seem
de riguer in Indian cooking. (Luckily, friends down the road have a
couple of trees in their yard. :-)
Cheers, Phred.