TheAlligator wrote:
> "Default User" > wrote:
>> Why? If you don't like it, you don't like it. Do you just want the
>> entertainment value of people trying to convince you of something
>> when it won't change your mind?
>> This is one of the dumber posts I've seen.
> Wait a minute Brian. Isn't this newsgroup all about sheer
> entertainment to begin with? I think so.
Isn't Brian the one who was gonna do a "cooking show" that somehow never got
off the ground?
My question was sincere. I wasn't trying to be convinced of anything, just
curious about the brew-ha-ha over salsa. Got some nice recipes out of the
thread, some of which I may try out

I still prefer a good cheese dip,
particularly a white cheese with spinach dip (recipe for which I'm still
searching) until otherwise convinced.