season wooden chopping boards
Bob Pastorio wrote:
> The Wolf wrote:
> > I am a woodworker as well and I am shaking my head at you using organic over
> > mineral oil too. Organic *can* go rancid (I didn't say it would) but mineral
> > will never go rancid.
> >
> > To each his own...
> Exactly. Again, my experience both at home and in running restaurants
> for the past 3 decades has shown me that wooden boards oiled with
> cooking oils (except olive) don't get rancid. I wash them and reoil a
> few times a year. Sterilize often with peroxide and white vinegar.
> Based on that long experience and staring at a couple wooden boards my
> grandfather made a century ago that were originally oiled with olive
> oil, I understand that mineral oil won't become rancid, but apparently
> the other ones won't on boards that are used and cleaned often. I
> figure a century is long enough to wait to see if it'll get rancid.
> To each his own, as you say...
> Pastorio
Bob...Have you ever researched mineral oil IN THE HUMAN BODY????
If you want to RUIN your entire intestinal sytem as well as Lower bowels,
do as so many have done in the 30's and die a miserable death! We're talking
MAJOR damage. It was taken off the SAFE market in the late 60's. "Wheyre
huv yew been mon?? D-yu hahv yur hade up yoor asrch?? READ MON...READ!!!
Get an education afore ye commit an oontimely and oon-inten-shunal Sewicide!
(Scottish accent written verbally?? LOL) SERIOUSLY..Mineral oil is for
old timey wind up watches and other fine moving metallic parts! NOT
digestibale by
Hyoomons! Unless of course ye want tyo DIE and horrible death from inoperative
intestinal absorbtions! READ MON___ READ and be educated! B-0b1
"Beaten Paths are for Beaten People". -- Anon.