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In article >,
(Phred) wrote:

> In article >, Katra
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> >
(Phred) wrote:
> >
> >> [ Sorry for breaking the thread, but my heirloom newsreader (News
> >> Xpress 2.01) choked on the excessively long References header.]

> [snip]
> >> I suspect the _Murraya_ also wouldn't grow very well where you are.

> I see others have suggested I may have been too pessimistic there. :-)
> >> (See <> for photos of a well
> >> grown specimen. ;-)

> >
> >Hummm... I might have to look into that!
> >
> >Here is a picture of my curry plant that I got from the nursery:
> >
> >
> I'm gunna have to look seriously into this business of having a web
> site where one can post pictures instead of writing a thousand words!

I don't really have a website, but I have free server webspace that came
with my e-mail account. I just upload to the server using a cute little
program called "Fetch". <G> I also use that space to store all of my
ebay pictures for sales! Saves me a lot of money, and ebay hosting sux.

It's actually an "index site" as opposed to a true website.

I'm betting you have webspace with your e-mail account as well. The trick
is learning how to utilize it! <lol> I had a mac geek computer friend
help me learn to use mine.

> >It's still kinda small, but at least it survived the winter. :-)
> >I'm thinking about trying some foliar fertilization in the herb garden.

> I've never really been into potted plants as I was too often away for
> somewhat extended periods and things in pots need watering.
> That said, even when I'm home I have trouble remembering to water pots
> as a pot of basil will fortunately attest. Someone gave me the thing
> months ago, and I noticed it was looking a bit stressed four days ago,
> but I was in the middle of other things at the time and then forgot
> about it. When I noticed again yesterday, I was *sure* it had reached
> the dreaded permanent wilting point, but gave it a drink anyway
> (thinking it was probably more like a burial at sea). Today it is
> looking great! Damn tough herbs these basil things is all I can say.

<lol> Most herbs are "weeds" and are remarkably tough! Mine are all in
the ground and are currently benefitting from a ton of rain!

> Good luck with the _Murraya_ if you attempt it. It does rather seem
> de riguer in Indian cooking. (Luckily, friends down the road have a
> couple of trees in their yard. :-)

I have that website bookmarked and intend to call them during business
hours this week... Thanks Phred!!!

> Cheers, Phred.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra