Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
> In article >, jem
> > wrote:
> > :-( Of course this makes me very unhappy. Fortunately I am being
> > :treated
> > with oral medication for now, so am not getting needle sticks
> > every day. I'm really going to have to change my lifestyle, which
> > means my eating habits and more exercise (and losing 30 pounds.
> > I'm 6'2" and the doctor wants me to get down to 200). Could people
> > how have this email me some of their favorite recipes?
> > Fortunately/Unfortunately I like about everything, savory,
> > vegatables, pasta, starch and sweets. Favorite recipes, meals,
> > snack suggestions would really be appreciated. Feel free to post
> > here or email to me. Thanks.
> >
> > James
> James, have you attended any cholesterol or diabetes education
> classes? I'd start there. I'm currently in such a class and find
> it all pretty interesting. Next class will have some recipes
> included. Check with your local hospital's education department.
> Diet change and exercise will get you lower numbers faster than just
> diet alone. I hate exercising but joined the Y four months ago and
> survive only with a headset -- otherwise it bores me to tears. I
> watch TV and/or listen to tunes or news while stepping along.
> I've been logging all that I ingest for three days now and know
> wherein some of my demons lie. The fact that I have a big
> *appetite* is tough, too. I may take up chewing gum more.
> Good luck to you, Sir.
I went to a diabetes educational dealie (3 4hr seminars)...They wanted me
to eat up to 45 grams of carbs per meal and watch my fat.
They wanted me to test only once or twice a day. I test 8-10 times a
day...before and 2 times after meals(1 hr and 2 hr),when I awake and just
random tests. How else can you know what's happening?
Do you know what 45 grams of carbs does to your Blood Glucose? ...It
causes a spike, a large increase. I eat 20-25 carbs a day. I do miss rice
though. Anytime your BG goes over 7.8mmol or 140mg/dl you cause permenent
damage to your body...Crud collects on your arteries walls or on your
nerve fibres, or on your optic nerve. Causing future blindness, nerve
damage, limb loss or heart attacks/strokes...No thank You...I'll stick to
my 20-25 carbs a day. That way I stay well under 6.0 mmol or 108 mg/dl.
A shocking stat 95% of type 2 smokers loose at least 1 limb. This isn't a
wimpy disease, it is a very evil condition. There are those who believe
type 2 is the main cause of heart disease. It is a hidden plague only one
in 10 sufferers know they have it.
I'll stop ranting/preaching now.
No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic 1AC 5.6mmol or 101mg/dl
Continuing to be Manitoban