In article >,
Hahabogus > wrote:
> Priscilla Ballou > wrote in
> :
> > In article >,
> > Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun 06 Mar 2005 09:37:50a, Priscilla Ballou wrote in
> > >
> > >
> > > > In article >,
> > > > "Gabby" > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> "Nexis" > wrote in message
> > > >> news:inBWd.155780$Yu.12460@fed1read01...
> > > >> > At least he has the support of those around him. It's hard
> > > >> > when people around you tell you that you're diabetic "by
> > > >> > choice".
> > > >>
> > > >> Huh? Diabetic 'by choice'? That's a new one. How exactly
> > > >> does one choose to have one's islet cells stop producing
> > > >> insulin?
> > > >
> > > > I've always heard that we bring it on by picking the wrong
> > > > grandparents.
> > > >
> > > > Priscilla, T2
> > >
> > > None of my grandparents nor my parents were diabetic. AFAIK, I'm
> > > the only one in my entire family who is diabetic, T2.
> >
> > Hmmm.
> >
> > /church lady ON
> >
> > Could it be.... genetic mutation?
> >
> > /church lady OFF
> >
> > Priscilla
> T2 was 'discovered' in the fifties. So possibly you are just the first
> confirmed case in your family.
No, no, plenty of people in my family with diabetes... possibly they
just didn't know it was type 2 until the 50s, but they knew it was
diabetes all right. I once saw my great-grandfather's insulin syringe.
> Or the others died from strokes/heart
> attacks before they were diagnosed. The Glucose level required for
> diagnosing as type 2 is not a constant. In the UK it is in the high 6's
> mmol or below 115 mg/dl. In North America is has recently been lowered to
> 7.0 mmol or 128 ish mg/dl.
126 for DM, 100 for "pre-diabetes," which I refer to as "early diabetes."
> Some doctors aren't aware of this. Some doctors aren't up to speed with
> the treatment/diet/drugs for T2's.
My endo is. I had to fire my internist, though. She wouldn't let me
have metformin because I was strenuously low-carbing and keeping my
numbers in the normal range. She said I didn't need it. Apparently she
hadn't heard of metformin's cardiac protective effect, and she wasn't
going to let a patient of hers teach her anything. So I fired her ass.
"And what's this crap about Sodomites? It's always Sodomites this and
Sodomites that. What about us Gomorrahians? We were there too; we
deserve some mention. Sodom always gets the credit, and Gomorrah always
does the work." - JohnN in alt.religion.christian.episcopal