Ted Campanelli wrote:
>>> Ted Campanelli wrote:
>>> . My wife is an RN AND a Certified Holistic Nurse.
>>> certified by whom??
>>> Goomba
>> Dunno, but somebody must. My doctor, an osteopath, is certified as a
>> holistic specialist. The diplomas/certificates say so, but I've never
>> paid attention to the details.
> Certified by the National Board of Holistic Nurses. This is a bonifide
> organization with very high standards that is recognized by MOST medical
> organizations and medical practitioners. I am not sure if it is
> recognized by the AMA. But then the AMA often takes 15 - 20 years to
> recognize and accept medicines and medical procedures that are in common
> use in other countries.
See? This is the weird thing- Nurses don't answer
to the AMA, or to doctors. We answer to our own
board of nursing. Nurses don't work under the
medical model, rather from the Nursing model. What
the AMA does or does not do has *nothing* to do
with nurses and nursing.