How hot is too hot when using a Wok
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[email protected]
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TheAlligator wrote:
> >Ok now I found the actual photo of the exact unit I saw at Outdoor
> >World
> >
> >
> >
> I looked at the links, but I honestly don't know what to tell you.
> Seems a little high priced for a burner, but I'm pretty sure it's
> built better than the other $20 unit I told you about or even the
> almost-$40 one.. The burner looks awfully far from the cooking
> surface. But if it's really 54,000 btu, you're just this side of
> nuclear fission and I guess the distance wouldn't matter much.
One thing to keep in mind is that this one includes the hose which I
belive costs extra for the one you showed me. In that case it actually
comes out a bit cheaper. The burner is really only about 2-3" from the
top grate where you set your cooking vessle down on.
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