On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 18:15:24 +1100, Kajikit >
>Because this week was supposed to be warm to hot (it was supposed to
>be 37C on Sunday!) we were organised and I cooked potato salad and
>panfried some chicken breasts on saturday night so we could have salad
>on the 'hot' days without having to use the stove and heat up the
>kitchen... only then it turned out to be darned cold (it's barely
>hitting 20) and it's going to stay that way! I've been eating potato
>salad sandwiches (potato salad and ham is yummy!) but I need something
>to do with the chicken... It's much too cold to sit there and face a
>plate of lettuce in the evening. Any ideas?
>~Karen AKA Kajikit
>Nobody outstubborns a cat...
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Well, I envy you your weather (we're hoping to hit -10C, the warmest
its been for a week.... anyhow... what to do with cooked chicken
1) Get some nice rustic rolls and some pesto sauce.... makes a real
nice sandwich
2) Big flour tortilla, shredded cheddar, maybe some onion slices... do
it up as a quesadilla
3) Marinara sauce and mozzarella...
4) cut into small cubes and chuck into an oriental stir fry
5) make chicken pot pies