I am pleased to announce that this year's San Diego R.F.C. Cook-In will be
held on Saturday June 25th. Once again we will gather at the Barto's Estate
in the hills above Poway. With all the rain we have had, the hills should be
covered with wildflowers. You have 3 months to set the day aside! No
slackers! If you wish to confirm or if you have questions about this cook-in
or cook-ins in general feel free to contact me at .
If you are not in my address book you will be stuck in my spam trap for a
day. Please put SD Cook-In in your subject line -- else I may think you are
trying to rob me of my meager pension via hacking. You can, of course, ask
or confirm here.
I can assure you that the San Diego cook-ins are the bestest there be in all
the land. Actually, I think we are the last to have traditional Cook-Ins. We
have much fun, booze, gossip (trashing non-attendees), booze, and
unbelievably wonderful and copious food plus booze! I plan to plead, cry,
beg, supplicate, flop on the floor, hold my breath, and vaguely threaten to
injure myself in the hope that Katherine Barto will make more rum-oozing
brownies. I think we have already have folks signed up for Kay's
Margaritas, Cosmopolitans and some orange liqueur. In Curly Sue's honor we
will resurrect our game of nude horseshoes once again. <grin>
So. Check for those inexpensive air fares to San Diego, ban the death of
relatives (unless needed for an employer or such), and cash in that income
tax refund. You will all be welcomed with a hug and frequently with a kiss.
If you haven't been to a Southern California Cook-In, you will be guaranteed
to make new friends. Many will be life-long friends who care and value each
other. I will add on a personal note, life-changing friends. Our list of
attendees so far include: Terry and Bill, Debra, Katherine and David Barto,
Koko and (I hope daughter and husband?), Jamie and her beer toting sweetie
Brian, Christine, yours truly, and I hope Rich McC. and his son and
super-delightful daughter-in-law. I hope the new date will enable Charlotte
to attend. I hope that the Macleods can attend this year (Peter's pork still
is in my taste thoughts as the best I've ever had). I think I left someone
out, but we still have a long time to firm up the attendance! Oh, I shall
badger Meg Worley, Mark Horne, Kay, and Jen (blacksun21) as well. Someday I
will convince Geeta and Shankar to get out here too!
If I can get aholt of some grapevines (San Diego is grape and wine country
so I should) I may make my famous charcoal grilled butterflied leg of lamb.
Trying not to set fire to David's BBQ as we did a couple of years ago. I'm
thinking about some Peruvian Papas too. I'll supply some beer and the
Margaritas. I am well past the days when I would bring 5 or 6 dishes trying
to keep up with Kay Hartman. Her's were always better anyway. <sigh> I sure
do miss her truffles....... but perhaps she and Jack can attend this year!
David Fetter will be hounded (he is so much fun!) as will Jack Schidt, Harry
and Sam, Zelt and Kaari, and Tammy. The other Bay Area, L.A., Arizona and
Other's will get my gentler prodding.
Peace and Love,