"cathy" > wrote in message
>I have several pounds of frozen bacon that I need to take with me on
> cross-country trip that will take about 2-3 days.
> What is the best way to transport the bacon? If I pack it in ice, it
> probably won't stay completely frozen, but it'll stay at least as cold
> as it would in a refrigerator. Could I re-freeze it when I get to my
> destination?
> Is there some way I could keep it frozen for the entire trip?
> Cathy
Dry ice for sure. First of all, bacon is cured and lasts a long time with
no freezing. Just look at the dates on the package.
If well packed in a thick foam box with a lot of ice, it will remain frozen.
The thin 1/2" wall coolers will not work that well, but a thick one will do
the job. There are plenty of 1 1/2" thick walled units if you check out a
seafood supplier or a hospital. Many medications are shipped in heavy walled
insulated containers.