A bit off topic -- It's good to see Barb's postings online again. Not
that you were gone; I was -- had to find a new newsgroup reader and
different ISP .
I remember Barb whenever I bake. Have a whole book of nuthin' but
brownie recipes, but still return to her "O" recipe. I bring goodies
to the office frequently, and can that bunch eat.
I sometimes make little signs labelling the foods. One day the card
read, "Barb's Orgasmic Brownies." They were certainly a hit, from the
tasting, after the attention-getting name. Alas, our boss, the one
who brings in the most food (but healthy food, veggies and stuff, so it
doesn't get eaten much - meow), objected to the name of the brownies,
as "obscene." She left me an email pointing out the impropriety, and
she had tornout part of the card to remove the offending middle word..
Sheesh! I debated, pointing out it was good enough for public display
at the Minnesota State Fair, etc., etc., but lost. I would have taken
them all back home, but of course there were none left after a couple
of hours. So I left the platter of crumbs displayed for days with
the torn card, with another card, "Censored by management."
Next time, for a dept. meeting, I brought in carrots and celery, and
water instead of coffee. Everyone asked where were the cookies and
brownies. I replied that I had been instructed to not bring in obscene
food. (Well, she's dept chair, but I'm older, tenured, and higher
In proper parliamentary procedure, a motion was made and carried:
"Barb's Orgasmic Brownies" are the official food of the department.
Harrumph!! (tm)
Good to be back. And, yes, kittens are good in the morning. I have
several recipes.