'nother tidbit
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Melba's Jammin'
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In article . com>,
> A bit off topic -- It's good to see Barb's postings online again. Not
> that you were gone; I was -- had to find a new newsgroup reader and
> different ISP .
> I remember Barb whenever I bake. Have a whole book of nuthin' but
> brownie recipes, but still return to her "O" recipe. I bring goodies
> to the office frequently, and can that bunch eat.
> I sometimes make little signs labelling the foods. One day the card
> read, "Barb's Orgasmic Brownies." They were certainly a hit, from the
> tasting, after the attention-getting name. Alas, our boss, the one
> who brings in the most food (but healthy food, veggies and stuff, so it
> doesn't get eaten much - meow), objected to the name of the brownies,
> as "obscene." She left me an email pointing out the impropriety, and
> she had tornout part of the card to remove the offending middle word..
> Sheesh! I debated, pointing out it was good enough for public display
> at the Minnesota State Fair, etc., etc., but lost. I would have taken
> them all back home, but of course there were none left after a couple
> of hours. So I left the platter of crumbs displayed for days with
> the torn card, with another card, "Censored by management."
> Next time, for a dept. meeting, I brought in carrots and celery, and
> water instead of coffee. Everyone asked where were the cookies and
> brownies. I replied that I had been instructed to not bring in obscene
> food. (Well, she's dept chair, but I'm older, tenured, and higher
> paid.)
> In proper parliamentary procedure, a motion was made and carried:
> "Barb's Orgasmic Brownies" are the official food of the department.
OMG! Marry me, Jim! That's the best story I've heard in a long time!
> Harrumph!! (tm)
> Good to be back. And, yes, kittens are good in the morning. I have
> several recipes.
La Twerp was up at 5:30 yesterday morning and her mama tells me she was
zonked out on the sofa at home at 4:00 -- didn't sleep on the ride home,
-Barb, <> Sweet Potato Follies added 2/24/05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.
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