Fudge wrote:
> Cheer up. Medical technology has got this killer figured out. In five years,
> you will be able to have some stem cells injected into your buggered up
> pancreas and those magic cells will be regenerated. If this technology
> really works, everybody can get replacement body parts. Need a new liver,
> penis or heart? Just like replacing the parts in your car. You could also
> clone a replacement James without a brain and use the dummy for spare parts.
> Until then do what the doctors say.
> F.J.
Well, if it's a true clone then the replacement would be a dummy for
sure. I don't think the problem with type II is the Pancreas, is it? I
thought it was more with the liver and how effectively the body used the
insulin and bg that are present, right? (Is bg correct? See, I'm already
picking up on the lingo).