Bluesea wrote:
> What am I supposed to do with this set? It's a Brown Betty w/ Rockingham
> glaze so it's excellent in that I'll pro'lly never notice it getting
> tea-stained but...
> I preheat the pot and keep it sitting on the cup while brewing to preheat
> the cup. Next, I put in my tea and water and let steep...good, fine.
> Then, I strain out the tea into the cup. That's where the problem arises.
> There's still about 1/2 cup of tea left in the pot w/ the leaves which we
> all know will continue to steep and get bitter as well as stronger. Can't
> use a brew basket 'cause the opening's too small. Not going to use a teaball
> or other highly restrictive infuser.
> How are these things supposed to be used? With teabags only? (gahh!)
Use less water.