Thread: Martha's out...
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Lena B Katz
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, ScratchMonkey wrote:

> Dave Smith > wrote in
> :
>> I would be cautious about buy and selling stocks on the basis on what
>> the insiders are doing. Some of them are quite good at dumping large
>> quantities of stocks and taking a small short term loss in order to
>> cause a selling panic that drives the price down even further, and
>> then they buy back a while lot more of the same stock at rock bottom
>> prices. As they start buying it back the prices climbs.

> If you only get to make the decision once, that's a valid objection. But
> most participants are in for the long haul, and won't make a decision
> based on isolated one-time data. An insider should only get away with
> that behavior once, and then his peers will be onto him. (In game
> theory, this is called the "tit-for-tat" strategy. Honesty pays off in
> the long run, for participants who meet each other more than once in the
> game, by rewarding honesty or dishonesty with the like response.)

so... how _do_ you figure out someone's investing fist?

I mean, it's fairly easy in programming (we've _all_ heard of hungarian
notation, after all...).
