In article >, jem
> wrote:
> :-( Of course this makes me very unhappy. Fortunately I am being treated
> with oral medication for now, so am not getting needle sticks every day.
> I'm really going to have to change my lifestyle, which means my eating
> habits and more exercise (and losing 30 pounds. I'm 6'2" and the doctor
> wants me to get down to 200).
I don't eat a special diet, but I'm fairly thin (also 6'2" but more like
165 pounds). I lost about 15 pounds in the last year just by walking. I
went from 4 diabetes pills a day to 1/2. My cholesterol went from OK to
very good (I'm on a max dose of statins). I try to walk three hours a
day. Fortunately, I really like to walk.
Dan Abel
Sonoma State University