I didn't see the original post only this echo. A single pot and cup
for all in one don't match well. There is an addage leave something
for the pot. Every drop isn't that important. If it's tea you want to
infuse again you'll have to decant the remainder into another cup. I
use a styrofoam cup for any overflow. You can appreciate the
color,smell and taste. That is the tease for the regular cup. You
should only fill your pot at most 3/4 and preferably 2/3 for brewing in
any case. It helps with pouring and swirling. I don't like the
Western all in one style. The Koreans make a 'pumpkin' style with
saucer,cup,infuser,lid. The only drawback it isn't much volume but
self contained all in one.
David M. Harris wrote:
> Bluesea wrote:
> > What am I supposed to do with this set? It's a Brown Betty w/
> > glaze so it's excellent in that I'll pro'lly never notice it
> > tea-stained but...
> >
> > I preheat the pot and keep it sitting on the cup while brewing to
> > the cup. Next, I put in my tea and water and let steep...good,
> >
> > Then, I strain out the tea into the cup. That's where the problem
> > There's still about 1/2 cup of tea left in the pot w/ the leaves
which we
> > all know will continue to steep and get bitter as well as stronger.
> > use a brew basket 'cause the opening's too small. Not going to use
a teaball
> > or other highly restrictive infuser.
> >
> > How are these things supposed to be used? With teabags only?
> >
> Use less water.
> dmh