Maverick wrote:
> "aem" > wrote in message
> I've worked for various Casinos in Vegas over the years. Mostly
> with payroll systems and I can say that servers generally don't pool
> tips. Dealers pool tips based on game and shift. The IRS came up
with a
> "Tip Compliance" program some years ago with the ideal of
> tipped employees that they wouldn't get audited due to tip issues if
> would promise to declare so much per job per area per shift. There
is no
> way in hell a coctail waitress working swing shift in the dollar+
slots area
> would pool their tips with another coctail waitress working day shift
in the
> nickel slots area. [snip the rest]
Thanks for that info, it makes sense. My friends worked at relatively
small casinos, so maybe the differentiation between the gaming areas
wasn't as large. They did say that their pools were within their own