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TheAlligator wrote:
> My daughter was attacked yesterday - apparently an attempted rape or
> abduction. I responded like a spoiled brat, and have publically
> apologized in another group for the filthy, racist statements that I
> made. I'm really quite ashamed of myself, and I don't quite know
> where it all came from. It's not the way I was raised. Why is it
> that we really think we have it all together and then when the chips
> are down, we always disappoint ourselves and everyone around us? I'm
> feeling pretty damn humble right now, and have a lot of people to
> apologize to. Particularly the law enforcement guys, one of which

> wise and kind enough to ignore my statements about killing him to get
> to the guy if I had to.

I think you racted like a loving father. Unfortunately, you made those
statements in front of John Law. They reacted kindly... but you're on
record now, so if you actually follow through - not only will they get
you for retaliation, it's predetermined.

Feel good that your little girl can take care of herself and not be a