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jem > wrote:
>recipes, meals, snack suggestions would really be appreciated. Feel free
>to post here or email to me. Thanks.

Well the MIL wan't too specific, but she's apparently pretty much on
the South Beach Diet, with some exceptions. You'd want to ask your doc
first, but it seems more logical and easy-to-follow than most diets.
I think she is still in Phase I, sometimes with a little overlap. We
don't have the big book, but my wife has the companion "The South
Beach Diet Good Eats Good Carbs Guide". It's about 130 pages, was 7
bucks I think. It's just loaded with common sense, and even has some
dining-out guides. Turns out, it was originally for pre-diabetes
patients who were at risk. It's by Arthur Agatston, ISBN
1-57954-958-6. YMMV.