You are offering bad advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You haven't made wine!
and you are confusing the original poster
Trevor A Panther
In South Yorkshire, England
Remove "PSANTISPAM" from my address line to reply.
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<desertphile@hot mail. com (Desertphile, American Patriot)> wrote in message
> Note: I have never made wine so my advice is probably not worth
> much.
> Did you add Campden tablets or other sterilizing agent? If not,
> you will probably (want to / wanted to) disolve the sugar in a
> gallon or two of boiling water and then dump it on the puree; when
> it (cools / cooled), then (add/added) yeast and any "additives."
>> 2. So I have to stir it every day for 5-7 days? I guess I better
>> start, it's been 2 days and I haven't stirred it.
>> Do I stir it right again right before racking it into the carboy?
>> With the puree, will there be any sediment on the bottom of the primary?
> ---
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