Thread: Weird Hamburger
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zxcvbob wrote:
> <snip>
> It sounds like the butcher is adding a bunch of crushed ice when he
> grinds the meat. Ellie needs to find a different butcher.
> The meat is probably still usable if she fries it in tiny batches

> high heat so the water can boil off as quickly as it cooks out.

I assume that from what some of the other posters said that they
themselves have never encountered ground beef infused with water. The
amount of water exuded is astonishing and is unmistakable. The amount
of water has nothing to do with how hot the pan is, how loaded with
beef, etc. In my one experience with ground beef that I'm absolutely
positive had been infused with water, a single patty (maybe about 5-6
oz) I was frying gave off at least 1/8 a cup of water, probably more.
I remember pouring off the water so that the burger would fry instead
of braise. I have not encountered that again; in fact, I haven't
encountered again free water in the pan with ground beef, even a pan
full of ground beef that I was browning.

I think that we're right to think that our marketplace is remarkably
free of fraud (mislabeled meat, water infusion, etc) but it still
occurs, along with a few other tricks of the greedy merchant. Ellie
I'm sure has encountered a fraudulant butcher in France. Her kitchen
sense and experience has told her that, her description "confirms" it
