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Boron Elgar wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:05:16 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
>>Boron Elgar >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>>Check with your insurance company about your policy and see if it
>>>covers smoke damage. There are companies that will come in & clean
>>>walls, carpets, drapes, upholstered pieces, etc., and get rid of the

>>Yeah, I'm sure it's covered, but we can take care of the surprisingly
>>little smoke damage. The main floor is just fine. No problem. What
>>really ****es me off (about myself) is that I had done a million loads of
>>laundry and stacked it all on a kitchen table I use for folding clean
>>clothes. I never brought the stuff upstairs and put it away. If I had, I
>>wouldn't have to re-wash 75% of our clothing. I think what we had was more
>>fumes than smoke. Visible fumes, but not smoke in the usual sense of the
>>word. I'm sure some electricity-savvy person will know what I'm talking
>>about and translate that statement into English.

> Sigh. This is a habit I have, too. You may have broken me of it.
>>>And call your MD to be sure you have your meds handy, just it case it
>>>really gets to you!

>>My nebulizer is plugged in and ready to be used at a moment's notice, and I
>>hoard inhalers, so there's at least one in every room of the house, and one
>>in my jacket pocket. I just took a couple Benadryl, and hope to be
>>drifting off to la-la land soon. Gotta be up in four hours, though.
>>American Idol is on. <G>

> What's in the nebulizer - albuterol or Xopenex?

Oh my gosh, I missed Carol's reply. I thought I was strange for
hoarding inhalers. I use the dry turbohalers and I do have bricanyl in
every room! I can't take any drugs that make me drousey like Benadryl
because I have brittle asthma. My neb is always ready to go for that
reason. I really feel for Carol as I know what she is going through.
Hang tough Carol and I hope you have no complications!
>>Both excellent pieces of advice. You're a good egg!

> Sunny side up!
