Where are you to take the racists to task Henry, you ****ing
Jewish-Turkish-Mongol ****??? It seems you only attack me, one of
Hellenism's greatest defenders. Why is that Jew-Mongol? I can't help the
cards God dealt you? Being a Jew and related to the Mongols must be a
terrible cross to bear and I did say cross Jew fag.
Why do you hang around in Greek NGs? Mossad, the Turkish SS? Jews and
Muslims are the beasts of humanity, not Greeks. Middle eastern mud people
are synonymous with torture, murder, terrorism, extortion, rape and all form
of criminality.
"A Total Moron's Guide to Cinema" > wrote in message
> can you tell a greek from a turk these days? During 3 centuries of
> Turkish rule, turks did alot of fuc*ing. most greek women gave birth
> to half-turkish babies. in fact, most greeks are dark, hairy, and
> asiatic looking. they sho aint the tall blonde gods they once was.
"Henry Hooray" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
> oups.com...
>> Most, if not all, items of so called Greek cuisine has been stolen from
>> Turkish cuisine.
> Perhaps "stolen" isn't the appropriate word you are looking for,
> marktrivers.
> Perhaps you were trying to say that the Greeks were influenced by Turkish
> cuisine during the long, unwanted and cruel occupation of most of Greece
> by the Turks.
> Was that what you were trying to say, marktrivers?
> Henry.