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Doug Kanter
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"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> "Doug Kanter" >, if that's their real name,
> wrote:
>>"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> "Doug Kanter" >, if that's their real name,
>>> wrote:
>>>>Sometimes, people ask to be shot, and it's rude not to grant their
>>> ROFL! Emily Post was your mom, wasn't she?
>>> Carol

>>It's just common sense, Carol.

> Yeah. The wording just struck me as funny. I'm running on very little
> sleep, so I'm easily amused.
>>Think about it: Using my city (Rochester NY)
>>as an example, it's estimated that 1/3 of homes have a properly working
>>of some kind. In NY, it's ***LEGAL*** (as in NOT ILLEGAL, for the benefit
>>of slow learners) to shoot an intruder, no questions asked, as long as
>>are IN YOUR DWELLING. Not your garage, not your yard, not your car, but
>>actually in the house.

> I wish I could remember who told me this. They said that a police officer
> friend had told them that if you kill an intruder just as they're entering
> your home, and they don't fall forward into the house, you should drag
> their body inside, so you won't get in trouble. I can't imagine anyone
> doing that. Or getting away with it.

I think it depends on the cop you end up with. I wouldn't want to risk
ending up with a cop whose thinking was not evolved. I might end up with a
jury which included several Unitarians, and then where would I be? I have
great respect for them, but once, one of them said to me "Well...sometimes
when things are stolen, it means you'd owned those things long enough and it
was someone else's turn". Bite me. Imagine that person trying a self-defense
shooting. :-)

>>Translation: A burglar has a 1 in 3 chance of being shot dead. I don't
>>about you, but I think anyone who accepts such lousy odds in return for a
>>VCR and some jewelry is (as psychiatrists say) "out of their friggin'
>>minds", and is asking to be shot.

> Agreed.
>>If a guest in my home asks for a glass of water or a beer, I'd never say
>>Why shouldn't I show the same courtesy to a burglar?

> I'm sorry. No I'm not. I think you just said that you'd go grab a beer
> for your burglar. ROFLMAO!

No! I don't offer beer to people like that.

>>I'm writing this after having only one cup of coffee, so my logic might be
>>slightly rusty, but even's pretty good logic. :-)

> Oh, okay. That explains the beer.
> Carol, still chuckling

Actually, it might be more fun to take a burglar hostile (I'd say hostage,
but Bush said "hold our country hostile", and he's the president so he must
be right). Tie him to the basement rafters, get his family members over
there one at a time, and collect opinions as to why he should live. Maybe
his own mother would say "Hell....he's a pain in the ass anyway....gimme the
gun". :-)