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Dorian West
Posts: n/a

KAEYbab - from the Greek for burn as in CApsicum, CAYenne pepper - the "C"
being pronounced "K" in the English spelling. So shove it up your butt you
tent dwelling steppe Mongol from cannibal Asia.

If Greeks were stealers they would rename Turkish coffee into Greek mud or
something, but they're the only Europeans that kept alive the Turk name of
this vile drug the Turks brought into Europe. Maybe they wanted to be
reminded of your "cultural achievements"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

"Seanie O'Kilfoyle" > wrote in message
> Nope
> When Griks STEAL something, like history or shish kebabs, they
> invariably re-brand it first, giving it a Grik name and THEN they claim
> it always WAS.... IS and WILL BE Grik
> Now Henry, if you ever hear a Grik who's just served you a tasty
> platter of Kleftiko ( real name Kuzu Firin ) explain that the Turkish
> meal you just ate was absorbed into grik quisine during the half
> Millennia that grease was an Ottoman province......and the OUZO you
> washed it down with ( Real name RAKI ) was adopted at the same time...
> I'll eat my Fez !