Doug Kanter wrote:
> "Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> news
>>"Doug Kanter" >, if that's their real name,
>>>"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
>>>>I wish I could remember who told me this. They said that a police
>>>>friend had told them that if you kill an intruder just as they're
>>>>your home, and they don't fall forward into the house, you should drag
>>>>their body inside, so you won't get in trouble. I can't imagine anyone
>>>>doing that. Or getting away with it.
>>>I think it depends on the cop you end up with. I wouldn't want to risk
>>>ending up with a cop whose thinking was not evolved. I might end up with a
>>>jury which included several Unitarians, and then where would I be? I have
>>>great respect for them, but once, one of them said to me "Well...sometimes
>>>when things are stolen, it means you'd owned those things long enough and
>>>was someone else's turn". Bite me. Imagine that person trying a
>>>shooting. :-)
>>WTF? That is one bizarre philosophy. Are you sure that it's a Unitarian
>>thing, or just one odd person's? People rarely leave our house without
>>some of our belongings. Things we like, but we like the friend more than
>>the object, and we know it would make them happy. But if some burglar
>>comes in and takes our stuff, what will we give away?
> was 58% humor. My ex is a Unitarian and I've met some of the
> people from the church. It's an interesting blend of misunderstood
> philosophies, I think.
I'm pretty sure they don't believe anything in particular anymore.
I should go yo a Unitarian church service sometime just to see what they
talk/sing about.
(trying to get another topic drift going...)
Best regards,