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Doug Kanter
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"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Doug Kanter wrote:
>> "Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
>> news >>
>>>"Doug Kanter" >, if that's their real name,
>>>>"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
>>>>news >>>>
>>>>>I wish I could remember who told me this. They said that a police
>>>>>friend had told them that if you kill an intruder just as they're
>>>>>your home, and they don't fall forward into the house, you should drag
>>>>>their body inside, so you won't get in trouble. I can't imagine anyone
>>>>>doing that. Or getting away with it.
>>>>I think it depends on the cop you end up with. I wouldn't want to risk
>>>>ending up with a cop whose thinking was not evolved. I might end up with
>>>>jury which included several Unitarians, and then where would I be? I
>>>>great respect for them, but once, one of them said to me
>>>>when things are stolen, it means you'd owned those things long enough
>>>>and it
>>>>was someone else's turn". Bite me. Imagine that person trying a
>>>>shooting. :-)
>>>WTF? That is one bizarre philosophy. Are you sure that it's a Unitarian
>>>thing, or just one odd person's? People rarely leave our house without
>>>some of our belongings. Things we like, but we like the friend more than
>>>the object, and we know it would make them happy. But if some burglar
>>>comes in and takes our stuff, what will we give away?

>> was 58% humor. My ex is a Unitarian and I've met some of the
>> people from the church. It's an interesting blend of misunderstood
>> philosophies, I think.

> I'm pretty sure they don't believe anything in particular anymore.
> Seriously.
> I should go yo a Unitarian church service sometime just to see what they
> talk/sing about.
> (trying to get another topic drift going...)

Hey...they're harmless. They do lots of stuff around town here, like bring
hot meals to people. The weddings aren't bad. Much less brutal than a couple
of Catholic ones I've been to, which lasted upwards of 9 hours, and a
certain ancient carpenter with a beard was mentioned more often than the
bride & groom. I wasn't sure who was marrying whom. :-)