Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> Denise~* >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>>Gotta be up in four hours, though. American Idol is on. <G>
>>Ohh, you watch that too! :-)
> Yup. I was disappointed that one of the women went through and that
> another, with a much nicer voice, didn't. I'm not naming names.
I think know who you are thinking of, but why not name names?
Actually, I can never remember half the names of the contestants, but I
know which ones I like. I'm annoyed that the guy who sang "Georgia on
my mind" got kicked off, Grr.
>>I hope you got your much needed sleep.
> 2 hours yesterday afternoon, and 3 hours tonight. I think I'm scared to
> sleep. Rationally, I know that our home is much safer now, but I'm not
> sure the emotional part of me has come to grips with that just yet. Crash
> is doing the opposite. He's been awake for about as long as I've been
> asleep this week.
Well, you could start by sleeping when Crash is awake, just so you feel
safer having one person awake while you sleep.