Ok i was bored to hear the greeks stole this, stole that from turkish
and bla,bla,bla.
We are in these are greece from 3000 before christ until 2005 in that
time many things happened.
In the end of Byzantine Empire 1453 the turkish assaulted and
contantinouple and greece for 400 years until 1821.
In 400 years don't you think that the greek and turkish culture mixed
up and greeks took a lot of things from turkish and they took all of
thing from Greeks? So nobody steal from anybody the cultures mixed up
and greeks take things from turkish and they evolute them and you will
see many similarities between cultures. And don't forget that greece is
in south east europe that means more near in egypt, arabic countries
turkish so the greek culture interacts that kind of cultures. If greece
was next to england of north europe countries would interact with them.
But with the globalization effect would be everything american
hamburger and stupidity.