aem wrote:
> Ellie C wrote:
> [snip]
> > > Ellie C > wrote:
> > >>I cooked up some American Chop Suey for lunch today, using
> > >> hamburger from the local market. [snip]
> Okay, you've established that you have cooking skills and the
> seems to be that the butcher/market did you a bad deed, now on to the
> important question: What in the world is "American Chop Suey"?
<laughing> That question can stir up a debate. When I was a boy my
mother made "American Chop Suey" (that's what we and her cookbook
called it) with elbow macaroni, ground beef, some tomato sauce, a bit
of chopped onion. Each ingredient was cooked separately, combined in a
casserole and put in the oven for a little while. I liked it...tho I
haven't had it for years. It's very similar to what is now called
"beef and macaroni". Not a thing Chinese about it.