And now for the rest of the Story
On a cool spring morning in 1929, a small crew from Okanagan Falls set off
to a deserted mining camp some 16 miles away from home. Their mission: to
dismantle an old wooden church and bring it back to Okanagan Falls.
The plan called for a controlled blast of four dynamite sticks inside the
church in order to "loosen the nails". Odd as it may seem, the explosion
spared the wood from damage during dismantling.
Save for losing the steeple, the plan succeeded. Now, the 103 year old
wooden church stands proudly in its second home of Okanagan Falls.
In naming our VQA wines "Blasted Church", we celebrate the ingenuity of this
initiative, and honour these pioneers for their vision, steadfastness and
Alex Raymond
"Ron Lel" > wrote in message
> "joseph b. rosenberg" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Someone sent me a site from BC--
> >
> >
> > I thought it raised some interesting issues:
> >
> > Shades of Randall the Ranger!
> >
> > I suggest you take sometime to roam around and see all the humourous
> > ravings
> > on the site.
> >
> > 2 Questions come to mind:
> > 1. Has anybody tasted these wines?(Remember I'm out of the biz and can't
> > do
> > any serious tasting, so I may have missed notes/comments/controversies
> > about
> > these wine.
> > 2. Obviously, the authorities in British Columbia are not concerned with
> > the
> > anti-clerical tone of the humour. I doubt if BATF or its successor would
> > approve of the symbolism on the labels. (I had BATF turn down a nude on
> > one
> > of my potential clients labels.) I know that Virginia and a few other
> > states
> > actually review labels and compare them to the BATF's label approvals,
> > I
> > query if any one has seen this wine in the USA and if so where was
> > Helm and/or the ACLU?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Joseph B. Rosenberg
> Anti clerical tone of the humour????
> I must be missing something.
> Ron Lel