It might have been ParmaRosa:
Basic tomato sauce
1 to 2 lb. of ripe tomatoes, peeled (amount depends on amount of pulp)
1 can peeled Italian style tomatoes (Progresso is a common brand)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 leaf basil
Salt and pepper
Heat the oil and cook the garlic until it is soft, not brown. Add the
tomatoes and basil then simmer, stirring occasionally. Add s & p to
taste. Should be done in about 1 1/2 hours. When finished, run
through a colander or sieve.
Next, make the white sauce:
Besciamella (white) sauce
1 tablespoon butter
1 heaping tablespoon flour
1 cup milk, hot (don't boil)
salt and pepper
Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Add the flour and stir into a cream.
Don't brown, but it must cook. Add the hot milk slowly while stirring.
Sauce should be smooth. Add s&p to taste and scrape about a pinch of
nutmeg into it. Simmer about 15 to 20 minutes.
When both sauces are done stir the two together and you have "Parma