Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
"Arri London" wrote:
> Everyone can get those things *anywhere*, if it comes down to it. But
> the foreigners, other than the Americans still spend a lot of money at
> Harrods. The Americans just gawk according to al Fayeed.
Did you read all of my post or just jump to the end??
To types like al Fayed, if you're not spending money, you're loitering.
You strike me as someone as provincial as any bumpkin: limited in
perspective, distrustful and resentful of what is different (in this case,
of Americans). How very small of you. So Americans don't cough for what al
Fayeed the Elder shills. So what? Does that mean we can't admire it?
Ex-cuuuuuuuuuuse US!!!!
As Miss Manners stated previously: Suck it up.
<or move to where Americans don't go>