Thread: Healthy pasta
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aem wrote:
> Meridith Merck wrote:
>>I'm looking for a "healthy pasta". You know, one with added
>>nutrition. [snip]

> Why, for god's sake? If you need nutrients that aren't supplied by
> semolina flour, then eat some other foods. There is nothing whatsoever
> unhealthy about pasta to begin with. If you have a wheat allergy,
> don't eat it. Otherwise, what's the problem?
> Most of the dried pasta available in supermarkets (US, anyway) is
> "enriched" macaroni product. Meaning it has been sprayed with a
> liquefied vitamin mixture, the same way 'they' decided to do decades
> ago with rice. A package from my cupboard says niacin, iron, B
> vitamins and folic acid.
> Why, here or with rice, I have no clue. Maybe they are trying for what
> you call "healthy pasta". In that case, your quest is already
> achieved. Of course, all those sprayed-on vitamins might boil away
> into the pasta cooking water, making the whole exercise pretty stupid.
> But I don't know, and who cares, anyway? Ignorant and apathetic, when
> it comes to so-called 'healthy' and so-called 'enriched' foods, that's
> me.
> -aem

Gotta hunch this looks like the OP may be on a "low carb" troll.
Hopefully not.
