On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Doug Kanter wrote:
> "Lena B Katz" > wrote in message
> ...
>>>> Are you assuming an equal distributions of guns? i.e. one gun per
>>>> household? Or was that actually from the stats you got? (where, btw,
>>>> did
>>>> you get the stats?)
>>> Each permit represents one person, not one gun. The number of permits
>>> does
>>> not tell you how many guns exist. The stat came from an interview with
>>> our
>>> county sherrif a couple of years ago. I'm sure you could find the numbers
>>> online if you wanted. I believe the NY State Police have the info at
>>> their
>>> web site, although I could be wrong. It's public info, though.
>> k. Reasonably non-biased source detected. (I'm glad your source wasn't
>> the NRA, which would have reason to distort the facts...).
> Like many gun owners, I'm no big fan of the NRA, since they tend to have an
> unhealthy, polarizing effect on the gun debate. But, the figures they use in
> their arguments are backed up with cites (sources). They would only be
> hurting their cause by fiddling with numbers whose accuracy can easily be
> checked. Only an idiot would suggest such a thing.
I'm a bit "gun-shy" over here... Just found a "pamphlet" saying that
studies had shown that Abstinence Education was no better than No Sex Ed
at all.
Problem was, when I looked at a metaanalysis, it had found that _neither_
Abstinence Plus or pure Abstinence Education was better than No Sex Ed at
People distort. Somtimes they do it intentionally.