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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Yef wrote:

> I have proven by experimentation that you can
> make a Key Lime pie filling that is not a heart-killing
> toxic mess.
> 1 Replace the egg yolks with egg whites.
> 2 Replace the margarine with canola oil.
> 3 Use half the sugar.
> Result: same texture, better flavor and
> easier on the teeth as well.


As though egg whites and egg yolks will impart the same sorts of
textures, flavors and chemical activity. Canola oil is a liquid at
room temp, unlike butter or margarine. Part of the textural properties
of the Key lime gel is that it has solid fats so it can be more solid
at chilled or room temps. The sugar is for sweetness *and*
sequestration of water to make the gel more substantial. Go away and
learn something about what happens in the kitchen.

This crap is like kissing your sister. It's a kiss, but it certainly
isn't a KISS.
