In article >, dgs > wrote:
>Denny Conn wrote:
>> dgs wrote:
>>>All-grain or extract? Don't have this book handy.
>> Thank your lucky's one of the worst homebrewing books ever
>> written.
>If that's the case, you might want to point the OP in the direction of
>some of the better-quality brewing books. TNCJOHB would be a step up
>if it's that bad.
_Designing Great Beers_, Ray Daniels. but that's assuming
the OP has the process or brewing (from grain) down solid.
I assume not, so John Palmer's online thingy would be a better
starting piont.
>(Yeah, I know, better discussed on rec.crafts.brewing.)
Followups redirected.
Joel Plutchak "People who drink wine with barbecue deserve to be
plutchak@[...] jeered at and socially ostracized." - Mike Stewart