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  #182 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Lena B Katz wrote:
> Never said i wouldn't take an honest correction. Googling shows that
> assault rifles generally means AK-47s.
> Lena

I gave a working definition of assault rifle a couple of days ago.
"Assault rifle" is a legitimate military term for a class of machine
gun. "Assault weapon" is a humpty dumpty* term that means whatever its
user wants it to mean at the time -- usually meaning something like an
AK-47, which is a semiautomatic rifle that kind of looks like an assault
rifle. The AK-47 is ballistically similar to (but a little less
powerful than) a .30-30 deer rifle.

Best regards,

*Humpty Dumpty, in _Through The Looking Glass_, paid his words extra so
they would mean what he wanted.